Therefore, you must rely on your friend Knox to help you get the tome. Once you agree to the quest, you will realize there is no way for you to get into the palace, and the next time you see Beckett, he won’t be interested in the book any longer. He will ask you to retrieve a book from the Kuei-Jin palace. This quest starts for the Gangrel player after you talk to Beckett in the museum. Once you have the talisman, return to Damsel for your reward. The best way to sneak around the guards is to use celerity to buy yourself a few extra seconds to kill either guard before moving on to the next one. If the guards spot you, when you try to leave, you will be teleported before the Regent, and have to explain yourself, and fight Strauss or lose the quest. You must dispose of them without being seen to get in and out of the Chantry undetected. This time the haven door will be open, but there will be several guards present. Once Ox works his magics on you, you can return to the Chantry. If you do both of these things and return to Ox, he will take a point of your blood in return for putting a ward on you. The trick to solving his riddle is to consume the blood of both a Chinatown rat and a Chinatown hooker in the Purple Lotus. Once you have this quest, you can ask Ox for a magic ward, and he will offer you one if you can solve his riddle. The only way to open it is to get a special ward from Ox in Chinatown. The haven door is still magically sealed. If you manage to defeat him, it will unlock the Tremere haven, and allow you access to the talisman. Strauss is not an easy opponent to defeat though, and he will summon blood guardians to defend himself, as well as drain your blood, teleport around, and set you on fire with thaumaturgy. The first option is to charge in and kill Strauss. The main item you are looking for is the talisman locked in what would normally be the Tremere haven. You have twp options for getting into the Tremere chantry. If you go along with everything she says, she’ll ask you to raid the Tremere chantry.

Now she should talk to you about performing a mission to prove your loyalty to the Anarchs. Be sure to tell Damsel you want to join the Anarchs after completing the quest, or it won’t become available.Īfter agreeing to join the Anarchs, talk to Damsel again. This quest opens up for the Brujah player after solving the plague bearer quest for the Anarchs.