With how Undertale's world works with RESETS, LOADING, and fourth-wall shenanigans (think Flowey breaking your SAVE file at the end of the Neutral Route, or monsters acknowledging the flavor text of the game/Papyrus noticing the details that pop up around him during his date), it's going to be really confusing and scary because of the huge implications. Philosophers would have a lot of headaches trying to puzzle this conundrum out, while I imagine social media sites that are EXTREMELY familiar with analyzing media and trying to figure out how in-universe mechanics would work in the real world would go crazy. I mean, you've got Monsters that can literally prove the existence of souls AND magic (and probably contradict a lot of different teachings) while also inadvertently raising the question of just what is real or not, if other fictional worlds are real. interesting developments/reactions from religions across the world. Well, I think that there would be a lot of.